Pandemic Left Behind, the Inland Empire Economy Flourished in 2022
Despite the recession drumbeat getting louder in many quarters across the nation, the Inland Empire’s economy is not only showing strength, but is outstripping California’s other major metros and the state as a whole along some very key measures, according to an analysis released today by the UC Riverside School of Business Center for Economic...
By Victoria Pike Bond | UCR News |

California Worker Shortage Constraining Job Growth
California’s labor market expanded steadily in November, with total nonfarm employment in the state growing by 26,800 positions, according to an analysis released jointly by Beacon Economics and the UCR School of Business Center for Economic Forecasting and Development.
By Victoria Pike Bond |

Growth Will Continue Despite Turbulence
Business activity in the Inland Empire has continued to rise and despite the turbulence in today’s macroeconomy, is forecast to continue its upward climb in the near-term future.
By Victoria Pike Bond | UCR News |

Experts in Black Friday, Holiday Season Shopping Impacts
The founder of Beacon Economics LLC and an adjunct professor, Thornberg is an expert in economic and revenue forecasting, regional economics, economic policy, and labor and real estate markets.
By UCR News |

California has Recovered all Jobs Lost During the Pandemic
California’s labor market expanded nicely in October (the latest numbers), according to an analysis released jointly with Beacon Economics
By Victoria Pike Bond |

California Job Expansion Slowly Continues
California’s labor market expanded slowly in September, with total nonfarm employment in the state growing by just 6,500 positions over the month, according an analysis released jointly by the UCR Center for Economic Forecasting & Development and Beacon Economics.
By Victoria Pike Bond |

No Evidence that California's Rental Caps are Being Violated
A recently published report that alleges there may be widespread violations of a California law capping rent increases on tenants critically fails to support its allegations and, in light of available public data, the allegations themselves are unlikely to be true, according to a response released today by the UCR School of Business Center for...
By Victoria Pike Bond |

Will the U.S. Economy Fall into Recession in 2023? Only if the Fed Intensifies Current Tightening Policies
The U.S. economy has little chance of falling into a recession this year or next unless the Federal Reserve raises interest rates more than they are currently projecting, according to a new forecast released yesterday at the 13th annual Inland Empire Economic Forecast Conference, hosted by the UC Riverside School of Business.
By Victoria Pike Bond | UCR News |

13th Annual Inland Empire Economic Forecast Conference
The 13th Annual Inland Empire Economic Forecast Conference magazine.

Inland Empire Growth Contrasts with National Decline
Business activity in the Inland Empire continued to rise in the latest numbers, standing in stark contrast to the decline in GDP at the national level, according to the new Inland Empire Business Activity Index released today by the UCR School of Business Center for Economic Forecasting and Development.
By Victoria Pike Bond | UCR News |