Operations & Supply Chain Management
Operations & Supply Chain Management (OSCM)
Operations Management (OM) is the core of an organization, central to its ability to compete effectively. It deals with the management of all activities that are directly involved in the acquisition and utilization of resources, production, and the distribution of goods and services.
These activities are integrated and managed using quantitative decision-making the tools and models developed by Management Science (MS), based on techniques from operations research. The efficient integration of information and processes across suppliers, vendors, manufacturers and distributors is known as Supply Chain Management (SCM).
US News and World Report describes SCM as one of the 20 hottest job tracks of the 21st century.
An MBA or BS degree with a concentration in OSCM will equip students with the skills and ability to manage highly complex systems across a wide variety of organizations. Careers include consultants, supply chain managers or analysts, production managers, logistics planners, purchasing managers, quality control managers, packaging experts and trade negotiators.
Operations & Supply Chain Management Pathways at UCR School of Business
Date/Location Presenter Paper Friday, February 21, 2025
SBB 420 | 9:50 - 11:05 amMahyar Eftekhar | Arizona State University Reducing Food Waste in Production: A Field Experiment in Ghana Friday, February 21, 2025
SBB 420 | 11:25 am - 12:40 pmSuresh Muthulingham | Penn State Does Legalizing Marijuana Increase Toxic Waste? Evidence from Manufacturing Facilities in the United States Friday, February 21, 2025
SBB 420 | 2:10 - 3:25 pmOzge Yapar | Indiana University Conditional Approval Schemes: Implications for Healthcare Systems and Companies Friday, February 21, 2025
SBB 420 | 3:45 - 5:00 pmGuanting Chen | University of Northern Carolina OMGPT: A Sequence Modeling Framework for Data-driven Operational Decision Making If you are interested in attending, please contact OSCM seminar coordinator Danko Turcic.
Date/Location Presenter Paper Friday, October 13, 2023
AND-021 | 1:30 - 3:00 pmBora Keskin | Duke University, Fuqua School of Business Data-driven Clustering and Feature-based Retail Electricity Pricing with Smart Meters Friday, October 20, 2023
Time and location TBAAndrea Roncoroni | ESSEC Business School TBA If you are interested in attending, please contact OSCM seminar coordinator Danko Turcic.
Date/Location Presenter Paper Friday, October 21, 2022
10:00 AM, Anderson Hall 021Tinglong Dai | Johns Hopkins University Artificial Intelligence on Call: The Physician’s Decision of Whether to Use AI in Clinical Practice Friday, December 2, 2022
1:15 PM, Anderson Hall 121Krishnamurthy Iyer | University of Minnesota Persuading Risk-Conscious Agents: A Geometric Approach Friday, April 27, 2023
10:30 AM, Anderson Hall 021Terry Taylor | UC Berkeley Shared-ride Efficiency of Ride-hailing Platforms Some meetings will be held on Zoom, some in-person. If you are interested in attending, please contact OSCM seminar coordinator Adem Orsdemir.
Time/Location Presenter October 30, 2020 Peng Sun, Duke University: The Fuqua School of Business December 4, 2020 Guoming Lai -
Time/Location Presenter October 16, 2019 Luyi Gui, UC-Irvine November 1, 2019 Wenqiang Xiao, NYU- Stern School of Business November 8, 2019 Sang Kim, Yale School of Management February 7, 2020 Tunay Tunca, University of Maryland February 26, 2020 Owen Wu, Kelley School of Business- Indiana University March 6, 2020 Max Shen (Zuo-Jun Shen), Berkeley May 1, 2020 Peng Sun, Duke University: The Fuqua School of Business May 15, 2020 (cancelled) Robert Swinney, Duke University: The Fuqua School of Business May 28, 2020 Guoming Lai, Texas McCombs