Research & Honors
Undergraduate Research
The School of Business shares the UCR campus, which is a leading R1 research university. This provides students the opportunity to participate in faculty-mentored research, scholarship and creative activities as an undergraduate.
Every quarter, hundreds of UCR undergraduate students work with faculty on research and creative projects in the campus' libraries, studios and laboratories, as well as in the community, in the field and abroad.
For example, each winter quarter, select business administration students participate in the School of Business/Bourns Consultancy program. In this unique interdisciplinary program, business students team up with engineering students and serve as consultants for bioengineering senior design projects. Students work with their engineering "clients" to build a formal business plan document, including a competitive market and financial analysis, marketing strategies and capital sourcing.
For more information on undergraduate research opportunities and funding, publication and symposiums, visit UCR Undergraduate Research.
Undergraduate Honors Program
The UCR Undergraduate Honors Program is designed for students who have shown through their own high achievement that they value intellectual challenges and want to be part of an innovative, diverse and demanding learning community. Students benefit from close interaction with honors faculty in small class settings and with professional staff who provide developmental advising. These faculty and staff members are dedicated to helping honors students optimize their educational experience at UCR.
High impact, experiential learning opportunities available to honors students include undergraduate research projects, scholarly and creative work, internships, service learning and faculty-led co-curricular activities. In addition, honors students are supported by a strong peer-leader support system, faculty mentorship, prestigious scholarship access and honors award opportunities. These experiences are designed to prepare students for participation in a senior thesis project that advances knowledge in their discipline, culminating in an honors thesis.
For more information on the undergraduate honors program, visit UCR Honors.