A. Gary Anderson
Graduate School of Management

Anderson Hall

Executive Fellows Industry Discussion Series

UCR School of Business Executive Fellows Industry Panel Discussion Series

Join us for this exciting new virtual discussion series, involving top executives who have participated in the UCR Business Executive Fellows program. The purpose of the Industry Panel series, kicking off on October 21, 2021 from 5:00–6:30pm, is to focus on the topics of entrepreneurship, business leadership, rising leadership, growth and development, as well as others that will provide a valuable and relevant exchange for current and future leaders. As seasoned practitioners, the panelists have their “finger on the pulse” of what is looked-for in today’s business leaders, along with insight into trends in the competitive marketplace.

These exchanges will not only include industry experts, but also students, alumni, and members of the School of Business community.  



UCR School of Business Executive Fellows Panel Discussion

Date: October 21, 2021

Time: 5:00–6:30 pm

Location: Virtual / Zoom

Hosted by: UCR School of Business Executive Fellows Program 

Contact/registration informationbusinessdevelopment@ucr.edu


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