A. Gary Anderson
Graduate School of Management

MBA Fieldwork in Management

Fieldwork in Management: The Basics

The Fieldwork in Management is a required internship component of any MBA or AGSM program at UCR School of Business.

The Fieldwork in Management course is designed to provide students the opportunity to gain meaningful work experience by exploring jobs in various industries and work environments. This allows students to apply their academic knowledge and skill sets to a business setting and real-world projects.

The fieldwork course provides students with opportunities to:

  • Gain meaningful work experience by exploring jobs in various industries and work environments.
  • Combine academic knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom.
  • Apply newly-learned skills in a business setting while working on real-world projects.
  • Demonstrate the ability to bring serious analytical thinking to problems of strategic importance in business.

Students are responsible for getting approval in advance of starting their fieldwork, scheduling regular meetings with their internship advisor and completing a report detailing their fieldwork experience. The fieldwork grade is based upon this summary.

Steps to a Productive Fieldwork Experience:
UCR MBA Students
  • Learn about fieldwork standards and requirements
  • Review the fieldwork approval process
  • Meet some of our past fieldwork employers
  • Sample AGSM fieldwork projects
  • Review the project outline and format


Information for Employers

Do you have a fieldwork position available for a UCR AGSM student? Would you like to learn more about the program? Visit our employers page.